Laser Jump Start™ Volume II

"Increase your BoxIt Suite knowledge, increase your business's potential!"

Do you feel like your creativity is at a stand still with your BoxIt™ Suite? Do you have a great idea in your head, but just don’t know how to make your idea become reality? Then Laser Jump Start Vol. II is your answer! We made this program just for you to help “Jump-Start” your creative genius and enable your creative ideas to become reality!
Then Laser Jump Start Vol. II is your answer!

Benefits to You:

Laser Jump Start Vol. II contains over 60 designs that allow you to either build as is or re-design these products using your BoxIt™ Suite Program. This package serves as an excellent training aid for BoxIt™ Suite users to help give you the edge you need to succeed with your program and your business.
BoxIt™ Suite users now have a wonderful step-by-step project plan to follow for each project, complete with screen shots and pictures to help you explore your BoxIt™ Suite’s full capabilities. Many of the projects have functional applications, so you can increase your BoxIt™ Suite knowledge and create unique, functional products to offer your customers at the same time—a win-win for you and your business!
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