Aluminum Wall Holders

  • All holders are highly polished and anodized Bright Rose Gold, Bright Silver or Matte Black.
  • Custom colours are available by special order – Satin Silver, Bright Yellow Gold.
  • Custom lengths are available. Ask for quotation. Maximum length holder is 73″. (Mill Finish) Anodized finish maximum 36″ length.
  • Non-stock holders, allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Non-returnable.
  • Custom Non-stock Holders – minimim 4 months delivery – mininum order – please ask for quote

Traditional Wall Holder

  • Holders over 1″ in height have two countersunk holes for screw mounting. (Screws are not included)
  • Holders can be mounted with screws or double-sided tape.
  • Holders can be also stacked to make directories or see Multiple Wall Holders.
Rose Gold1/2"1/16"
Satin Silver1/2"1/16"
Matte Black1/2"1/16"
Yellow Gold1/2"1/16"
Rose Gold3/4"1/16"944R 139
Silver3/4"1/16"944R 204944R 206944R 210 944R 310944R 239
Satin Silver3/4"1/16"944R 204944R 206944R 210 944R 310944R 239
Matte Black3/4"1/16"944R 439
Yellow Gold3/4"1/16"
Rose Gold1"1/16"928R 104928R 106928R 108928R 110928R 139
Silver1"1/16"928R 204928R 206928R 208928R 210928R 239
Satin Silver1"1/16"928R 304928R 306928R 308928R 310928R 339
Matte Black1"1/16"928R 404928R 406928R 408928R 410928R 439
Yellow Gold1"1/16"928R 739
Rose Gold1-1/2"1/16"929R 106929R 108929R 109929R 110929R 112929R 139
Silver1-1/2"1/16"929R 204929R 206929R 208929R 210929R 212929R 239
Satin Silver1-1/2"1/16"929R 304929R 306929R 308929R 310929R 312929R 339
Matte Black1-1/2"1/16"929R 406  929R 408929R 409929R 410929R 439
Yellow Gold1-1/2"1/16"929R 706929R 708929R 739
Gold2"1/16"936R 104936R 108936R 110936R 112936R 139
Silver2"1/16"936R 204936R 206936R 208936R 209936R 210936R 212936R 239
Satin Silver2"1/16"936R 304936R 306936R 308936R 310936R 312936R 339
Matte Black2"1/16"936R 404936R 406936R 408936R 410936R 412936R 439
Yellow Gold2"1/16"936R 704936R 706936R 708936R 710936R 712936R 739
Rose Gold3"1/16"937R 108937R 110937R 112937R 139
Silver3"1/16"937R 204937R 206937R 208937R 210937R 212937R 239
Satin Silver3"1/16"937R 304937R 306937R 308937R 310937R 312937R 339
Matte Black3"1/16"937R 406937R 407937R 408937R 412937R 439
Yellow Gold3"1/16"937R 739
Rose Gold4"1/16"949R 108949R 110949R 112949R 139
Silver4"1/16"949R 204949R 208949R 210949R 212949R 239
Satin Silver4"1/16"949R 304949R 306949R 308949R 310949R 312949R 339
Matte Black4"1/16"949R 404949R 406949R 408949R 410949R 412949R 439
Yellow Gold4"1/16"949R 708949R 710949R 712949R 739
Rose Gold2"1/18"994R 110944R 139
Silver2"1/18"994R 208994R 210994R 212994R 239
Satin Silver2"1/18"994R 339
Matte Black2"1/18"994R 410994R 439
Yellow Gold2"1/18"994R 710994R 710
Rose Gold3"1/18"
Silver3"1/18"993R 239
Satin Silver3"1/18"993R 339
Matte Black3"1/18"993R 439
Yellow Gold3"1/18"

Luxury Ribbed Wall Holder

  • Countersunk holes are standard on 8″ and 10″ holders.
  • Holders can be mounted with screws or double-sided tape.
Rose Gold2"1/16"959R 108959R 110959R 139
Silver2"1/16"959R 208959R 210959R 239
Matte Black2"1/16"959R 408959R 410959R 439

* Custom, ** These are stock

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